
 The 32 th CIHIE& Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

2024年5月20日-22日       北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction




湖北瑞邦生物科技有限公司成立于2007年,是一家集研发、生产、营销为一体 的高新技术企业。公司一直聚焦生物活性肽领域,主打产品有以胶原蛋白肽、阿胶 肽、海参肽和燕窝肽等为主的动物源性生物活性肽,和以大豆肽、玉米低聚肽、人 参肽、桑叶肽等为主的植物源性生物活性肽。 多年来,公司始终坚持“己所不欲勿施于人”的经营理念,以国际视野广泛且 深入的参与前沿技术研究,与美国、日本及国内各大院校、科研机构建立了紧密合 作关系,并签订长期研发合作协议,产品研发能力全球领先,奠定了为客户提供最 优质产品的基础和能力。 现如今,公司拥有世界先进的生物活性肽生产线5条,年产10000吨;并于 2020年投建打造年产20000吨生物活性肽健康产业示范区。产品广受国内外客户好 评,销售网络遍及中国、美国、加拿大、日本、澳大利亚和东南亚等30余个国家和 地区。 不忘初心,踏实做事,执着坚持,专注未来。瑞邦生物将一如既往的为您带来 优质的产品和服务,锻造生物活性肽领军品牌。

Hubei Ruibang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2007, is a collection  of research and development, production, marketing as one of the high-tech  enterprises. The company has been focusing on the field of bioactive peptides,  and its main products include animal-derived bioactive peptides mainly  composed of collagen peptide, ejiao peptide, sea cucumber peptide and bird’s  nest peptide, as well as plant-derived bioactive peptides mainly composed of  soybean peptide, corn oligomuric peptide, ginseng peptide and mulberry leaf  peptide. Over the years, the company always adhere to the “do as you would be  done by” the management idea, by the participation of international vision and  in-depth research in cutting-edge technologies, and the United States, Japan  and domestic universities, research institutions established close cooperative  relations, and research and development of long-term cooperation agreement, the leading product research and development ability, laid the foundation for  providing customers with the best quality products and ability. Now, the company has the world’s advanced bioactive peptide production  line 5, annual output of 10,000 tons; And in 2020, it will invest and build a  biologically active peptide health industry demonstration area with an annual  output of 20,000 tons. Our products are well received by customers at home and  abroad. Our sales network covers more than 30 countries and regions such as  China, the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia and Southeast Asia. Do not forget the original intention, practical work, persistent persistence,  focus on the future. Ruibang will, as always, bring you high-quality products and  services, and forge a leading brand of biological active peptide.