
 The 34 th CIHIE& Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

2025年4月25日-27日       北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction




 吉林省东鳌鹿业科技开发有限公司(以下简称东鳌鹿业)成立于2012年,占地 80475平方米,总投资3.5亿元。是以鹿产品科研开发、精深加工、营销为一体的梅 花鹿全产业链生态企业,具有十万级净化车间,现代化的生产设备、先进的检测设 备及现代化的办公环境。目前公司已完成前提车间、食品车间、保健食品车间及厂 区附属设施的建设,并通过食品SC认证、ISO9001、HACCP质量体系认证。 拥有三大中心:鹿产品科技研发中心、鹿产品质量检测中心、鹿群疾病与预防 控制中心。 公司现主要有四大系列产品:滋补食品、保健食品、鹿茸化妆品、鹿养生酒, 深受广大消费者的认可与好评。 东鳌鹿业坚持诚实守信、科技领先、与时俱进、开拓创新的精神,被评定为吉 林省农业产业化龙头企业,是吉林省科技型小巨人企业,现拉动梅花鹿产业经济向 又强又快的方向发展,争做梅花鹿养生领域的国际品牌,为人类的健康服务!

      Jilin DongAo Industry Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as DongAo Deer Industry), was established in 2012, covers an area of 80,475 square meters, a total investment of 350 million yuan. It combines with deer product research and development, deep processing, marketing as one of the sika deer industry chain ecological enterprises with 100,000-level purification workshop, modern production equipment, advanced testing equipment and modern office environment. At present, the company has completed the pre-extraction workshop, food workshop, health food workshop and factory ancillary facilities, and passed the food SC certification, ISO9001, HACCP quality system certification. It has three centers: Deer Product R&D Centre, Deer Product Quality Inspection Center as well as Deer Disease and Prevention Center The company now has four major series of products: tonic food, health food, deer velvet cosmetics, deer health wine, which are widely recognized and praised by customers. DongAo Deer Industry adheres to honesty and trustworthiness, scientific and technological leadership, advancing with the times, pioneering and innovative 205spirit, was assessed as leading enterprises of Jilin Province agricultural industrialization, Jilin Province“Little Giant”on science and technology enterprises, and pulling the sika deer industry economy to a strong and fast direction of development, to become the international brand in the field of sika deer nourishing, and serve for human health!