
 The 34 th CIHIE& Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

2025年4月25日-27日       北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction

Nature Rocket GmbH 德国天然保健品生产公司

Nature Rocket GmbH 德国天然保健品生产公司

虾青素,关节复合素NEM, 牛乳钙,鱼油,复合维生素,补血素食软糖,补眼素食软糖,补锌和维C 素食软糖,草本酵母液(原味,生姜,野樱莓,玫瑰果)


虾青素,关节复合素NEM, 牛乳钙,鱼油,复合维生素,补血素食软糖,补眼素食软糖,补锌和维C 素食软糖,草本酵母液(原味,生姜,野樱莓,玫瑰果)

德国天然保健品生产公司,只生产纯天然且高疗效的保健品产品,不含任何化学成分,无副作用,所有产品都通过德国的药检标准,获得药监局的pzn 号码,专供德国实体药店销售。Nature Rocket 拥有保健品开发和生产方面的专家团队,创新及高效的配方。


虾青素,关节复合素NEM, 牛乳钙,鱼油,复合维生素,补血素食软糖,补眼素食软糖,补锌和维C 素食软糖,草本酵母液(原味,生姜,野樱莓,玫瑰果)

Nature Rocket stands for natural food supplements in

pharmaceutical quality, made in Germany.

We develop and distribute holistic solutions for optimal

health and beauty on a cellular level for a healthy lifestyle.

Na t u r e R o c k e t f o c u s e s o n p r o v i d i n g o u r c u s t omer s

with unique, innovative and scientifically based nutritional

solutions. The team at Nature Rocket combines decades

of experience and passion in nutrition, pharmacy and

science and is always searching for the best solutions from

nature and the latest scientific findings to offer more than

just products - the perfect nutrition for long-term health

and performance.

At Nature Rocket we guarantee the best possible

purity, safety and quality of our products, of course

with a guarantee of origin and developed and bottled in

Germany. Nature Rocket means : Selected ingredients for

unique products for an outstanding quality of life.